Harvekaeb Hot-Z Farms offers a premier equestrian facility of the Rio Grande Valley. The amenities included with boarding are access to a 150'x250' lighted sand arena, a 55' round pen, 7 days per week turnout, multiple paddocks, cross-tie grooming stalls, an enclosed and locked tack room, and many more. The facility includes a 5 acre hay field in which Coastal hay is harvested for attending horses, as well as miles of trail riding in the area. We are nested in Harlingen, TX right off South Bass Blvd, with easy access to the main Expressway.
Clean stalls and insect control are a main priority, as well as the safety of horse and visitors. We feed Bluebonnet feeds with a custom diet for each boarded horse as recommended by local Bluebonnet Representatives.
As a precaution, there is a limited amount of stalls available on a "first come, first serve" basis with a requirement of current coggins and proof of current vaccinations*. Supplements and oral medication provided by horse owner may be administered at no extra cost, though it is required to be held on a worming schedule made by Harvekaeb Hot-Z Farms.
Full Care Board
Custom Bluebonnet Feeds diet, hay
Twice daily feeding
Daily stall cleaning, bedding
Complimentary stall fan
7 days per week turnout
Oral medication or supplement administration
Fly mask application/removal, fly spray application (provided by owner)
Self Care Board
7 days per week turnout
Fly mask application/removal, fly spray application (provided by owner)
Optional Services:
Morning or Evening feeding
12x16 Stall in Main Barn
Full care $600
12x12 Stall in Main Barn
Full Care $550
12x24 Stall Outside
Main Barn (Unavailable)
Full Care $550
Self-Care $300
12x12 Stall Outside Main Barn
Full Care $500
Self Care $250